Sims engineering introduces a state of the art water bath HT-PCR system, the Hydrocycler, based on the proven original water-bath technology.

  • Increased throughput
  • Faster cycle time
  • Higher quality results
  • Improved reliability
  • Multiple plate format no changing blocks
  • Smaller footprint
  • 16 & 32 plate system
  • Running up to 16x 384 well plates simultaneously, the Hydrocycler increases throughput and reproducibility at decreased cost, run time and space. Using the water-bath allows users to use 96, 384 and even 1536 plates in the same instrument. Though we design and build these machines they are only available through KBIOSCIENCES
  • 16 plate hydrocycler
    bench standing

    32 plate hydrocycler
    floor standing


    Sims were approched by Kbio sciences to develop a new variation of the water based thermo cycler. our design brief was to make it smaller more efficient, smaller and environmentally friendly. The above machine on the left is the result. The system has a self contained water supply(as opposed to running on the mains as the existing systems do), and the system can be run on a 13a plug making very efficient use of the electrical supply. All these design measures resulted in a system which is more economical to run and actually costs less to make than some alternative systems on the market. more information on this can be found on the Kbio web site by clicking on one of the images above.


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